A Client's Guide to Returning to Your Mindbloom Programming

Life moves quickly and is always unpredictable. For whatever reason, you may find yourself a few weeks or a few months out from your last dosing session and want to continue.
If you’re considering returning to working with Mindbloom and ketamine treatment for your mental health, here are a few key considerations to make, and a step-by-step process to get you up and running again.
If you are beginning a new program, a Clinical Consult is the first step in that process. You can begin this by registering for your new program. If it has been greater than 3 months since your last session in an existing program, there are a few recommended steps to take.
What to know
We design all of our programming and protocols to help ensure safe, effective, and healing sessions. As we’re operating in mental health and wellness, it’s important that we put these considerations first.
A lot can happen in a few weeks, let alone a few months. As a result, we have different recommendations in place to begin a secondary program or continue with an existing treatment plan if you are more or less than 3 months beyond your last medicine session.
This applies both to starting a new program if you want to come back to Mindbloom treatment, or if for whatever reason you have not completed a previous program and are more than 12 weeks beyond your last dosing session.
More than 3 months since the last session
Whether obvious or subtle, you can have considerable mental health changes, lifestyle developments, or changes to your circumstances in the course of 12 weeks/3 months.
Due to this, we ask that anyone looking to continue their work with Mindbloom for more than 3 months since the last dosing session has a check-in call with one of our Clinicians before continuing. This check-in is meant to confirm your physical/mental health, address any questions or concerns that you may have, and make sure you still have access to an appropriate set & setting, Peer Treatment Monitor, and the medication that you require.
The direct way to coordinate with your Care Team is to contact our Support team, who will direct you to the right person.
Less than 3 months since the last session
If you are less than 12 weeks/3 months out from your last dosing session, you generally do not need to check in with a Clinician before continuing your programming. Check-ins are recommended if you've had any major changes to mental or physical health or major life changes like a major move, job change/loss, death of a loved one, etc
Of course, if for any reason you want to reconnect with your Guide or a Clinician, do not hesitate to do so. We are here to support you throughout your healing process. As above, feel free to message your Guide or reach out to our Experience Team.
If you are enrolled in an existing program and looking to complete it: schedule your next session through the app, contact your Peer Treatment Monitor, confirm your medication/dosage for the session, and you have everything you need.
If you are less than 3 months since your last session and want to look at starting a new secondary program – you will be able to do so from your Mindbloom account online or within the app. Head here, and you will have the option to select and enroll in your next program. Once enrolled, you will have a Clinical Consult to discuss your mental health currently, any changes seen with the previous set of sessions and intentions, and receive your new prescription.
If you’d like to read more about secondary programs, check out this article.
Considerations when coming back to treatment
While all of this can be discussed with your Mindbloom Care Team, there are a few considerations you can make beforehand to help you gauge where you are in life, how you’re doing, and what you want next out of continuing your Mindbloom treatment programs.
1. Major mental/lifestyle shifts
Has your life changed considerably over the past few weeks? Positive or challenging changes both apply here. Do you feel like ketamine treatment is the next step for what you’re looking for out of life right now?
Lifestyle changes are also important. Do you still have access to a Peer Treatment Monitor? Do you have a safe and supportive space where you are comfortable having your next dosing session?
2. What is your intention?
Intentionality is paramount when working with ketamine treatment and psychedelic therapy. What is driving the interest in coming back to working with ketamine treatment? Is this an embrace of your mental health, or seeking an escape from the circumstances of life at the moment? All of these factors are worth considering.
If you have a clear intention for continuing your treatment, you’re off to a good start. This also applies to completing an in-process treatment program, as there may be a good reason why you didn’t complete it on schedule in the first place. Exploring this can be a valuable process before continuing.
3. Do you need help with anything?
Is there a question that you’re stuck on? Do you wish you had additional resources or information for a specific aspect of your life? Is there a different program or protocol you are interested in exploring?
If you have these questions, you’re not alone. You can reach out to our team at any time with any of these questions, comments, or concerns. Feel free to get in touch as early as you want in the process, and we’ll help you every step of the way.
Key takeaways
Making the decision to continue your journey of healing and wholeness is a beautiful one. Congratulations on reading this far and taking your decisions seriously.
It is important to check in to see how long it has been since your last medicine session. If it is over 3 months, you will need to schedule a quick Clinical Check-in for your safety. Reach out to our team or your Guide to start this. If it’s been less than 3 months, make sure you have everything you need to follow your program protocols, check your intention, read through these considerations, and you should be ready to go. But remember, if any major changes have happened, a Check-in is recommended.
As always, if you need any support throughout this process or have any questions, big or small, please contact your Mindbloom Guide or our Care team.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the National Suicide Prevention Line at +1 (800) 273-8255, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
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