New Program with Dr. Guy Winch: Recovering from Rejection and Failure

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Published on 
November 29, 2023
Updated on 

Announcement Summary

  • Bounce back from rejection and failure with our new program developed by psychologist, author, and TED speaker Dr. Guy Winch
  • See results faster with increased neuroplasticity and psychological benefits of ketamine therapy. 
  • Get the practical tools and techniques to overcome unresolved emotional wounds.
  • This program is available to all new and returning clients today.

Mindbloom has partnered with leading psychologist, author, and TED speaker Dr. Guy Winch to create a ketamine therapy program to help you heal and recover from failure and rejection.

This program integrates Dr. Winch’s expertise as a leading psychologist with Mindbloom’s signature ketamine therapy protocols to help you achieve results faster while developing long-term emotional resiliency. Dr. Winch will provide you with new tools to heal and prevent the emotional wounds we suffer in our personal, professional, and romantic lives.

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Designed by leading psychologist and TED speaker Dr. Guy Winch

This program was designed by emotional resilience expert Dr. Guy Winch, a leading psychologist, author, and TED speaker.

Dr. Winch is a psychologist known for his work on emotional health and relationships. He is the author of Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts; and How to Fix a Broken Heart, which have been translated into 28 languages. 

Dr. Winch received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from New York University and has gone on to give TED Talks on How To Fix a Broken Heart and Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid. He hosts the popular podcast “Dear Therapists” on iHeart Radio which focuses on giving people concrete, actionable advice to help them navigate life’s challenges.

It is designed to help anyone dealing with feelings of rejection or failure, whether they be romantic (divorce or break-ups), professional (job loss or failed interview), or personal (financial failure, miscarriages, or academic setbacks).

Faster results powered by neuroplasticity

Achieve results faster through ketamine’s ability to help shift thinking and change habits.

Ketamine has been shown to increase neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to form new neural connections. This program uses the brain’s increased neuroplasticity to shift behavior, alter thinking patterns, and help you move past failure and rejection quickly and productively. 

Using the science of ketamine, combined with Dr. Guy Winch’s proven approach, you can bounce back from rejection and failure more quickly, and avoid similar experiences in the future by learning the skills and techniques for long-term resiliency.

Build resilience through practical skills

Gain practical tools to handle rejection and failure in productive and helpful ways.

Rejection and failure are inescapable parts of life. Whether it's ending a relationship or losing a job, these emotional wounds happen to everyone. You can't always avoid them, but you can control how you react to these setbacks. This program is focused on helping you name your emotional challenges and master them with clear, actionable techniques. 

  • Turn rumination into introspection with practical skills that eliminate negative rumination over past failures.
  • Combat self-criticism by learning actionable techniques to build self-compassion and self-worth.
  • Learn how your relationships with others can help you recover from emotional wounds more quickly.
  • Build emotional resilience to bounce back from rejection and failure faster in the future.
  • Gain new skills that apply to other emotional wounds, including loss, grief, overwhelm, and more.
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  • What makes this program unique?
    This program was designed and presented by Dr. Guy Winch, a leading expert on emotional resilience, published author, and TED speaker.

  • Is it a different format than the other Mindbloom programs?
    This program uses the same format as other Mindbloom programs, including expert preparation and integration content, custom session audio materials, and comprehensive recommendations for integration between dosing sessions.
  • Can I join this program as a new client?
    Yes. This program is available for new and returning clients. After purchasing Mindbloom, select this program to begin working through it in your Mindbloom app. All clients must receive a diagnosis of depression or anxiety from a Mindbloom clinician.
  • How do I access my program content?
    You will access this program through your Mindbloom mobile application.
  • When is this available?
    This program is available to all new and returning clients starting now.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the National Suicide Prevention Line at +1 (800) 273-8255, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.

Important FDA Safety Information

Ketamine is not FDA-approved for the treatment of depression or anxiety. Learn more about off-label uses here.

Side effects of ketamine treatment may include: altered sense of time, anxiety, blurred vision, diminished ability to see/hear/feel, dry mouth, elevated blood pressure or heart rate, elevated intraocular or intracranial pressure, excitability, loss of appetite, mental confusion, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus (rapid eye movements), restlessness, slurred speech, synesthesia (a mingling of the senses).

Do not proceed with ketamine treatment if any of the following apply to you:

  • Allergic to ketamine
  • Symptoms of psychosis or mania
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • CHF or other serious heart problem
  • Severe breathing problem
  • History of elevated intraocular or intracranial pressure
  • History of hyperthyroidism
  • Other serious medical illness
  • Pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant

Ketamine has been reported to produce issues including, but not limited to, those listed below. However, lasting adverse side-effects are rare when medical protocols are carefully followed.

While ketamine has not been shown to be physically addictive, it has been shown to cause moderate psychological dependency in some recreational users.

  • In rare cases, frequent, heavy users have reported increased frequency of urination, urinary incontinence, pain urinating, passing blood in the urine, or reduced bladder size
  • Ketamine may worsen problems in people with schizophrenia, severe personality disorders, or other serious mental disorders.
  • Users with a personal or family history of psychosis should be cautious using any psychoactive substance, including ketamine, and discuss potential risks with your MindBloom® clinician before proceeding with treatment.
  • The dissociative effects of ketamine may increase patient vulnerability and the risk of accidents.

To promote positive outcomes and ensure safety, follow these ketamine treatment guidelines:

  • Do not operate a vehicle (e.g., car, motorcycle, bicycle) or heavy machinery following treatment until you’ve had a full night of sleep
  • Refrain from taking benzodiazepines or stimulants for 24 hours prior to treatment
  • Continue to take antihypertensive medication as prescribed
  • Avoid hangovers or alcohol intake
  • Refrain from consuming solid foods within 3 hours prior to treatment and liquids within 1 hour prior to treatment
  • Ketamine treatment should never be conducted without a monitor present to ensure your safety

Take Control of Your Mental Health

Taking control of your mental health is possible, find out it ketamine treatment can help you.

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