How to Do Mindbloom if You’re a Parent

As a parent, balancing personal mental health care with the demands of parenting can be a challenge.
You may have already taken a powerful step for yourself by signing up for Mindbloom, or you may be considering if this is possible while being a parent. Many parents do Mindbloom safely and successfully – it just requires some planning and open communication with those around you.
These are some important considerations and reminders to help you get the most of your healing experiences with Mindbloom.
Time Management: Building Therapy Into Your Routine
As a parent, it's important to recognize that your medicine sessions will be most effective when you can create dedicated, uninterrupted time for them.
From preparation, to the medicine session, to integration, it is best to schedule 2 hours for each session.
There are a number of ways you might create the time and space you need for yourself:
- Coordinating your sessions with your child's school hours, on a playdate with a friend, or during their nap time when another responsible adult is available to supervise.
- Having a friend stay with your children for a period of time.
- Working with your partner to watch your children during your session.
Keep in mind that you will need a Peer Treatment Monitor present during your sessions. Depending on your situation, the Peer Treatment Monitor could also be responsible for your children.
Prioritizing your therapy sessions is not a selfish act, but rather an essential aspect of self-care that will ultimately benefit your entire family.
Safe Storage: Securing Your Medicine
As with any medication, your Mindbloom prescription should be securely stored in a child-safe location.
You might keep your prescription in the Bloombox you receive while keeping this safely out of sight and out of reach of your children.
Alternatively, you may choose to keep your medication itself in a child-proof container, or in the medicine cabinet where you have other medications or pharmaceuticals.
Open Communication: Explaining Your Therapy
Depending on the age and maturity of your children, it may be beneficial to explain in simple terms that you are participating in a type of personal health treatment that requires quiet, private time.
This not only prepares them for the periods when you will be unavailable, but it also offers an opportunity to model healthy self-care habits. Demonstrating that it's okay to take time for personal health can be an invaluable lesson for your children.
We have written previously about how to explain Mindbloom and ketamine therapy to others, and this situation is no different.
How much you share about the specifics of your treatment is up to you, but keep in mind that it is helpful to share that something is happening, that an uninterrupted period is helpful, and that it’s done out of love for yourself and your family helps set the context for everyone involved.
Emotional Preparedness: Having the Support You Need
Ketamine therapy can bring up deep or highly emotional experiences.
This can be a powerful part of the therapeutic process, but it's important to know what support is available to you immediately after your session and during the integration period that follows.
You may require some additional quiet time, or need space for emotional processing in the hours that follow. Having a plan in place with your partner and family if you need a little extra “me” time, even if you don’t end up using it.
Of course, you will have access to your Mindbloom Guide, Clinician, and ongoing integration circles if you desire.
Mindset and Setting: Curating Your Space
Your environment plays a significant role in allowing for safe, powerful, and healing sessions. Aim for a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed for the duration of your session.
Taking the time to curate your space will help accomplish two key things:
- Avoiding Interruptions: Having a plan in place will help ensure you aren’t distracted or interrupted during your session.
- Fully Letting Go: These steps give you the confidence that you can fully take this time for yourself, which will let you go deeper into your experience and healing process.
The mindset you go into the session with also has an impact. If possible, giving yourself some time before to prepare,calm yourself, and set your intention will help considerably. While it can seem like a chore to make these preparations, even taking these steps is a way of respecting the medicine and your own experience, and can contribute to beneficial experiences and outcomes.
Consider the Benefits: Self-Care for the Whole Family
Remember, by taking care of your mental health, you're also taking care of your family.
Improvements in mood, reduced anxiety, and the development of better coping strategies can have a positive impact on your day-to-day parenting.
The healthier you are mentally, the more fully you can show up for your children, responding to their needs with patience, empathy, and love.
Being a parent is a busy and demanding job. But with the flexibility of Mindbloom’s protocols, and a little planning beforehand – completing a Mindbloom program while being a parent is entirely possible.
And as we’ve discussed – not only is it possible, it can be beneficial for you, your partner, and your entire family.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the National Suicide Prevention Line at +1 (800) 273-8255, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
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